Trace: cbi2023

Table of Contents


All times are given as “Time Berlin” MESZ: UTC+2 ; GMT + 2

2 June 2021

Session: Scanning and product development
Session chair: Yordan Kyosev

Opening Words and Overview of the Research and Equipment at ITM, Yordan Kyosev, TU Dresden

Keynote: Comprehensive model of human-clothing-environment system for application in apparel, built environment, and automotive fields
Agnes Psikuta
Empa, Switzerland

Development of an ergonomic suit for physiotherapists
Inga Dabolina, Eva Lapkovska, Liene Silina
Riga Technical University, Latvia

Dimensional allowances resulting of the use of personal protective equipment and their influence on work safety.
Joanna Szkudlarek
Central Institute for Labor Protection - National Research Institute, Poland

The air gaps in the protective clothing – methodology
Magdalena Mlynarczyk, Joanna Orysiak
Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute, Poland

Thermal flow in the entrapped air layer between the clothing and the human body in a 3D vision
Jingxian Xu1, Agnes Psikuta2, Jun Li1
1 Donghua University, China; 2Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland

Move4D technology to close the gap between 3D human modeling and apparel fitting
Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Eduardo Parrilla, Ana Ruescas, Jordi Uriel, Alfredo Ballester, David Garrido, Sandra Alemany
Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Intellectualization of the clothing design process
Varvara V. Getmantseva1, Ekaterina Y. Strunevich2, Elena G. Andreeva1, Valery S. Belgorodsky1
1Russian State University Named after A.N. Kosygin, Russia; 2University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Niederrhein, Germany

High speed body scanning and FEM simulations as tools for investigation of the interaction between the “human body, clothing and environment”
Tino Kühn, Yordan Kyosev
TU Dresden - ITM, Germany

13:10 Break

Session: Comfort & Sensors
Session chair: Agnes Psikuta

The comfort of knitted fabrics: interaction of sportswear and athlete’s body
Ivana Salopek Cubric1, Goran Cubric1, Vesna Marija Potocic Matkovic1, Alenka Pavko Cuden2
1University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, Croatia; 2University of Ljubljana Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, Slovenia

Thermophysiological comfort of personal protective equipment
Bianca-Michaela Wölfling, Edith Classen
Hohenstein Institut für Textilinnovation gGmbH, Germany

Thermo-physiological comfort analysis of traditional indian clothing (Sarees)
Deepali Dhruvanshi
Technical University of Liberec, Czechia

Integration of ergonomic and comfort aspects in new standards – a challenge for standardization
Edith Classen
Hohenstein Institut für Textilinnivation gGmbH, Germany

Mechanical insight of conductive yarns in smart knit fabrics
Elizabeth Kirkwood, Kun Luan, Emiel DenHartog, Andre West
Wilson College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, United States

Fabric-based carbon nanotubes sensors for fabric-body interaction
Amit Chaudhari, Sagar Doshi, Dae Han Sung, Erik Thostenson
University of Delaware, United States

Wearable textile sensor for body and clothing temperature monitoring
Riccardo Marchesi
Knitronix Srl, Italy

The effect of fabric’s structure on the breathability and the drying rate Properties
Mohamed Ghaith Chakroun, Sofien Benltoufa, Faten Fayala
LESTE (Laboratoire d'étude des systèmes thermiques et énergétiques), National Engineering School of Monastir, University of Monastir, Tunisia

Numerical simulation of human thermoregulation as an input parameter for advanced development of the smart PPE
Daniela Zavec
TITERA innovative technologies & University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia

Water vapour and thermal resistance of selected knits in wet state and their moisture absoptivity
Lubos Hes
TU Liberec, Czech Republic


Neutral enzyme effect on the bagged denim fabric behavior
Abir Fraj, Boubaker Jaouachi

Denim fabric’ comppressibility effect on the sewing thread consumption
Faouzi Khedher1, Boubaker Jaouachi1, Dominique Adolphe2
1LGtex, Tunisia; 2ENSISA, France

The Dynamic of Moisture Absorptivity of Textile Fabrics
Dalel Drira, Sofien Benltoufa, Faten Fayala
National Engineering School of Monastir, Tunisia

3 June 2021

Session: Textile products for protection & CFD
Session chair: Tino Kühn

Opening Words and Overview of the Research and Equipment at TU Liberec, Lukas Capek

Characterising a multi-layer assembly for an air pneumatic compression device
Nimesh Kankariya, Raechel M Laing, Cheryl A Wilson
University of Otago, New Zealand

Pressure sensing socks for real live measurements
Stephan Odenwald, Dominik Krumm
TU Chemnitz - Sports Equipment and Technology, Germany

The influence of clothing fit on the thermal protective performance of process operators clothing
Birgit van Berlo1, Kalev Kuklane2, Ronald Heus2, Boris Kingma3, Hein Daanen1
1Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid (IFV), Netherlands; 3TNO, Netherlands

Creation and validation of a guideline for the development of smart personal protective equipment for firefighters
Rahel Krause
Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, Germany

VRaktion in Textile Body Interaction
Dustin Ahrendt, Bernhard Schipper
VRaktion UG, Germany

Analysis of the information on fit and size of heat protection gloves in online shops
Helga Ahrens-Wels
Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Analyzing the flexural rigidity of a protective gown coated woven fabric
Imene Ghezal1, Boubaker Jaouachi2, Faouzi Sakli3
1Textile Engineering Laboratory (LGTex) - University of Monastir, Tunisia; 2National Engineering School of Monastir - University of Monastir, Tunisia; 3Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Ksar-Hellal, Tunisia

Study on CFD and experimental drag force of swimsuit fabric coated by silica nano particles
Siamak Nazemi1,Ramin Khajavi1, Rohollah Bagherzade2
1Islamic Azad university of south Tehran, Iran; 2Amirkabir Technology University, Iran

Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Particle Behavior During Nasal droplet dispersion in a Surgical Face Mask
Jerry Ochola
Moi University, Kenya

13:20 Break

Session: Biomechanics and protection
Session chair: Lukas Capek

Keynote: Development of fragment protective clothing
Katrin S. Freier
DSM Protective Materials (DPM), Netherlande

Comparison of personalized 4D Scan-Data und animated Data for differnt poses and movement scenarios
Zhang Doudou, Krzywinski Sybille, Kyosev Yordan
TU Dresden - ITM, Germany

3D adaptive modelling of women body for comfortable and protective soft body armor design
Mulat Alubel Abtew1, Pascal Bruniaux2, Francois Boussu2
1Lille Université and Bahir Dar University, France; 2Lille Université (ENSAIT-GEMTEX Lab. - SMDTex Joint doctoral program), France

Self-built test setup for testing the abrasion of motorcycle protective clothing
Dietrich Spädt1, Al Mamun1, Marah Trabelsi2, Imane Moulefera3, Lilia Sabantina1
1Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany; 2Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax, Tunisia; 3Independent researcher, Algeria

The role of adipose tissue in a stab resistence of woven fabrics
Lukas Capek
TU Liberec, Czech Republic

Range of motion in motorcycle garment: experimental study
Tomasz Bońkowski1, Luděk Hynčík1, Lukáš Šoltés2, Radek Kottner3
1New Technologies - Research Centre - University of West Bohemia, Czechia; 2Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies - Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia; 3Faculty of Applied Sciences - University of West Bohemia, Czechia

Biomechanical testing of vibration reducing textiles
Stephan Odenwald, Dominik Krumm
TU Chemnitz - Sports Equipment and Technology, Germany

Keynote: Measuring human soft tissues for accurate garment fit
Dinesh K. Pai
Vital Mechanics Research & Sensorimotor Systems Lab - The University of British Columbia, Canada

Development of a parametric pattern construction for automated tailored gloves considering physical material properties
Elena Brake, Gabriela Kosel, Katerina Rose
Reutlingen University, Germany
