

The E-DRESS project is a cooperation between the following partners:


The team consists of the following members:

TU Dresden

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Yordan Kyosev

Prof. Dr. Yordan Kyosev

Portrait of Dr. Tino Kühn

Dr. Tino Kühn

Portrait of Dr. Hassan Saeed

Dr. Hassan Saeed

Portrait of Anselm Naake

Anselm Naake

TU Liberec

Portrait of Dr. Adnan Ahmaed Mazari

Dr. Adnan Ahmaed Mazari

Portrait of Funda Büyük Mazari

Funda Büyük Mazari

TU Lodz

Portrait of Asso. Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Matusiak

Asso. Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Matusiak

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Iwona Frydrych

Prof. Dr. Iwona Frydrych

Portrait of Ph.D. Eng. Agnieszka Cichocka

Ph.D. Eng. Agnieszka Cichocka

TU Iasi

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Manuela Avadanei

Prof. Dr. Manuela Avadanei

Portrait of Asso. Prof. -eng. Irina Ionescu

Asso. Prof. -eng. Irina Ionescu

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Mirela Blaga

Prof. Dr. Mirela Blaga

Portrait of Alexandru Hanu

Alexandru Hanu

Portrait of Antonela Curteza

Antonela Curteza

Flag of the European Union

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.