
Current topics of textile engineering presented in a modern way

The overall aim of the project is to create a multilingual course on textile engineering with the latest techniques, methods, contents and knowledge. The content is created and provided by experts from multiple partner Universities. The course is to be delivered via a Moodle platform.

Clothing Comfort EN DE CZ PO ROTU DresdenProduction Organization and Logistics MultilingualDigital garment pattern making and product developmentAssembling Machines and TechnologiesTU Liberec TU LodzTU IASI

After compilation and preparation of the content, a beta version of the platform will be tested within each HEI for experimentation. Currently, the the platform is under development.

Key Features and Project Outcomes

Open Source

The content and the code of the platform will be available for everyone.


The content will be available in English, German, Czech, Polish and Romanian Language.

Improved Learning

The platform will facilitate a better, manifold learning experience by utilizing the flexibility of digital media.

Smart Mentoring

The possibility to predict students’ approaches, anticipate errors and determine the best instructional strategies for particular students.

Improved Teaching

Training of academic staff who will work on the platform for respective course design and content creation.

Improved Course Organization

Organization of learning, teaching, and training activities for students and staff of HEIs.

Knowledge Transfer

Exchange of best practices and enabling digital transformation in partner HEIs.

Utilizing Economies of Scale

Synergies between partners to create better digital content experimenting/implementing them for online and blended learning.

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